Most of my fella finished their foundation and i still stuck in the middle of it.
The fee for the subject which is taken for the second time cost only half of the actual one but im gonna waste more than half year time, plus the rental and monthly pocket money. and obviously i will graduate together with peoples younger than me.
Luckily this is only foundation, you just need a CGPA of 2.0 to pass it. The job would've been done if i pay more attention to lecture, do more tutorials and assignments instead of copy from others. sigh and double sigh.
I can hardly sleep on supplementary exam's eve because i cant imagine through the failure im facing. In Unis u cant just ignore the lecturer, you need and must understand what they teach infront before you did that.
The moments after my supplementary exam finish, I will swear in the name of GOD, I WONT FAIL ANYMORE IN FUTURE. trust me, i will study smart and play hard as well. this is the new ME.